Kill Count: 285582
Kill Count: 128062

Vending Items Of [Killiney]


fortessa, 232, 115

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
4910 An essence of Dark Lord Morocc. Contains part of Morocc's ability.
STR +4
ATK +12
INT -4
Compound on: All slots
Weight: 1
Darklord Essence Force 3 None None None None 8 000 000 z 8
4916 An essence of Dark Lord Morocc. Contains part of Morocc's ability.
AGI +4
VIT -4
Compound on: All slots
Weight: 1
Darklord Essence Speed 3 None None None None 8 000 000 z 8
4925 An essence of Dark Lord Morocc. Contains part of Morocc's ability.
LUK +4
DEX -4
Compound on: All slots
Weight: 1
Darklord Essence Luck 3 None None None None 8 000 000 z 4
600014 Atk + 10%.
Increases Storm Slash damage by 10%.
Increases Ignition Break damage by 3% per 2 refine.
Refine is +7 or higher
reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increases Ignition Break damage by additional 25%.
Refine is +11 or higher
reduces cooldown of Ignition Break by 0.7 seconds.
[Bonus based on Item Grade]
[Grade D] Increases Storm Slash damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Storm Slash damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Storm Slash damage by additional 12%, POW + 2.
Class: Two-handed Sword
Attack: 315
Weight: 220
Weapon Level : 5
Required Level: 230
Usable Jobs: Dragon Knight
Poenitentia Ensis 8 [2] None None None None 180 000 000 z 1