Kill Count: 147219
Kill Count: 129464

Vending Items Of [Xie Lian]

## LOOT ##

fortessa, 211, 112

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
25809 A red ore with an unknown power found deep underground.
Weight: 0.5
Redium None None None None 49 000 z 650
1000103 A meal ticket issued by managers to serve mercenaries efficiently in the Varmundt Mansion.
It is said that there is nothing in the Varmundts Mansion that cannot be obtained with a single meal ticket.
Weight: 0
Varmeal Tickets None None None None 675 000 z 65
1000257 A dark and evil sculpture containing the energy of sin. Anger, fear, resentment, regret, and sadness overflow from the sculpture.
Weight: 0
Piece of Sin None None None None 499 000 z 514
25787 Fragment of something...
There's nothing you can tell from this, but you might figure it out once you collect more.
Weight: 0
Somatology Experimental Fragment None None None None 93 000 z 288
25786 A collection of papers...
There is no information that can be known by itself, but if you collect more, you may be able to figure it out.
Weight: 0
Somatology Research Document None None None None 13 900 z 461
25723 It is made with highly sophisticated technology and is used as a core part for all devices.
Weight : 1
Cor Core None None None None 8 999 z 1849
720 A clear, sky blue jewel that is the birthstone for people born in March.
Weight: 10
Aquamarine None None None None 250 000 z 24
719 A purple jewel that is the birthstone for people born in February.
Weight: 10
Amethyst None None None None 250 000 z 115