Kill Count: 3078
Kill Count: 120141

Vending Items Of [xmasbuyer]


payon, 168, 126

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Myornil's Energy None None None None 500 000 z 241
666666666 Using the devils luck you can use this in the Card Exchanger NPC.
Weight: 0
Devils AdvoCARD None None None None 300 000 z 4759
Myornil's Treasure None None None None 80 000 z 541
607 Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.
Class: Restorative item
Heal: 100% HP, 100% SP
Weight: 30
Yggdrasil Berry None None None None 99 000 z 110