Kill Count: 183714
Kill Count: 52905

Vending Items Of [35D2Ki]

M35> Baby tell me whacchu want fr me

alberta, 104, 26

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
300223 Increases Melee Physical Damage by 6%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Right)
Weight: 1
Ghost Wolf Card None None None None 9 333 333 z 20
48240 DEX + 2.
Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%.
Increases Arrow Shower damage by 25%.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Shoes
Weight: 1
Papila Cae Card None None None None 29 999 999 z 14
48238 INT + 2.
Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%.
Increases Holy Light damage by 50%.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Shoes
Weight: 1
Papila Ruba Card None None None None 69 999 999 z 15
48236 DEX + 2.
Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%.
Increases Desperado, Full Blast and Spread Attack damage by 10%.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Shoes
Weight: 1
Papila Card None None None None 55 555 555 z 21
48234 STR + 2.
Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%.
Increases Magnum Break damage by 25%.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Shoes
Weight: 1
Verporta Card None None None None 25 555 555 z 21
27177 MATK + 3 per 10 base INT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 10 base INT.
If base INT is 120 or higher, MATK + 40
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Marsh Arclouse Card None None None None 8 868 668 z 48
4646 Max HP +8%
Max SP +4%
When equipped with shoes compounded with one of Infinite Toad Card, Infinite Wandering Wolf Card, Infinite Eclipse or Infinite Vocal Card, ATK +10% and MATK +10%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Infinite Chimera Card None None None None 23 333 333 z 10
4643 ATK +10.
Refined to +7, ATK +10.
Refined to +9, ATK +15.
Class: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
Infinite Vagabond Wolf Card None None None None 14 799 999 z 21
4394 [Priest classes]
Adds a chance of autocasting Level 5 Grand Cross when attacking.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Lady Solace Card None None None None 19 999 999 z 51
4393 Adds 1 INT for every
18 points of base STR.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Mistress of Shelter Card None None None None 19 999 999 z 22
4202 Inflict 20% more physical damage on Ghost monsters.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Mao Guai Card None None None None 6 868 668 z 16
4047 Enchant armor with the Ghost element.
Reduce HP Recovery by 25%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Ghostring Card None None None None 14 799 999 z 50