Kill Count: 166310
Kill Count: 21773

Vending Items Of [Gouvion Saint-Cyr]


jawaii, 237, 121

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
101308 A spell book that enhances True Gemstone Shadow Equipment.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
True Gemstone Shadow Pendant
True Gemstone Shadow Earring
True Gemstone Shadow Shoes
True Gemstone Shadow Armor
Weight : 1
True Gemstone Shadow Spellbook None None None None 10 000 000 z 5
101177 A spell book that enhances Full Penetration Shadow and Full Tempest Shadow.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Full Penetration Shadow Earring
Full Penetration Shadow Pendant
Full Penetration Shadow Armor
Full Penetration Shadow Shoes
Full Tempest Shadow Earring
Full Tempest Shadow Pendant
Full Tempest Shadow Armor
Full Tempest Shadow Shoes
Weight : 1
Full Shadow Spellbook None None None None 10 000 000 z 7
101361 A spell book that enhances Durable Shadow Equipment.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Durable Shadow Weapon
Durable Shadow Shield
Weight : 1
Durable Shadow Spellbook None None None None 10 000 000 z 5