Kill Count: 223161
Kill Count: 88339

Vending Items Of [Osek]

~~ LOOT ~~

fortessa, 250, 145

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
100745 Grants 2 Magical enchants to a LT-Weapon.
Weight: 1
Hero Weapon Modifier (Magic) None None None None 790 000 z 50
25669 Unknown machinal parts. Unknown where it cannot be used.
Weight : 1
Unknown Part None None None None 219 990 z 189
100744 Grants 2 Physical enchants to a LT-Weapon.
Weight: 1
Hero Weapon Modifier (Physical) None None None None 790 000 z 58
7023 A blade imbued with a suffocating aura that repels the light.
Weight: 4
Blade Lost in Darkness None None None None 749 900 z 214
12623 A hard box with beautiful details. there are many high-end equipments.
Weight: 1
High Weapon Box None None None None 879 900 z 199