Kill Count: 127832
Kill Count: 46174


Found a total of 876 record(s) across 44 page(s). Displaying result(s) 481-500.

Vendor ID ▲ Vendor Name ▲ Title Map X Y Gender
14654 Ujane Daggers, Katar, and Swords [1] ve_fild06 115 224 F
14656 Aldenne Trinkets [12] ve_fild06 115 229 F
14657 EIainne Footwear ve_fild06 115 234 F
14660 Nonia Crowns and Diadems ve_fild06 119 239 F
14664 Xienina Middle and Lower Headwear ve_fild06 119 234 F
14667 Jonelle Armory [4] ve_fild06 119 229 F
14669 Maltbie Shields [8] ve_fild06 119 224 F
14671 Methodel Crafting Materials ve_fild06 123 224 F
14673 Lady Fern Lower Costumes [3 | 9] ve_fild06 123 229 F
14675 Frieren-sama Middle Costumes [3 | 9] ve_fild06 123 234 F
14678 Clery Upper Costumes [3 | 9] ve_fild06 123 239 F
14684 Shimizuu Luxuria Umbra [3 | 9] ve_fild06 127 234 F
14685 Shizune Hakamichi Luxuria Telum [3 | 9] ve_fild06 127 229 F
14688 Hiina Luxuria Armis [2 | 10] ve_fild06 127 224 F
14691 Hanako Ikezawa Bags and Consumables [1 | 0] ve_fild06 131 239 F
14700 Kirsikka Coins, Keys, and Ores ve_fild06 131 229 F
14705 Aniza Enchantment Materials ve_fild06 131 234 F
14728 Lolip MAYA CARAD SINX WEP payon 159 90 M
14729 Miss Smith nice shooop ama_in02 49 154 F
14735 HB_Vendor2 NEBULA MATS fortessa 196 106 M
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