Kill Count: 281162
Kill Count: 124792


Found a total of 869 record(s) across 44 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

Vendor ID Vendor Name ▼ Title Map X Y Gender
68 ~Jul Ignis | Cards | Soutanes fortessa 214 106 F
66 ~DiSandra Cheap Stuff fortessa 214 109 F
13151 Zure VERY CHEAP fortessa 253 154 F
119 Zizzles MeMe malaya 240 212 M
13023 Zentox Dreizehn - Card dewata 176 123 F
103 YupYup huffhuff malaya 240 206 M
12746 yujinn jeanzforfree amatsu 223 203 F
5326 YoungRebel15 Sell dicastes01 203 178 M
8519 xmasbuyer berry payon 168 126 M
14664 Xienina Middle and Lower Headwear ve_fild06 119 234 F
8735 Xie Lian ## LOOT ## fortessa 247 121 M
16279 XaaaaaaX Click buy fortessa 226 106 M
16261 wotdefakisdis cheap ayothaya 199 169 M
15743 Woody ~ CARDS set ~ fortessa 250 133 M
208 wimplo_sells engraved and varmundt fortessa 244 106 F
12878 William Stark cheaper even cheaper comodo 250 289 M
197 why am i doing this 6666666 hugel 42 151 F
14591 WHLLES wh equip gonryun 144 130 M
15944 WHLESS2 wh encan gonryun 144 126 F
9681 Wera sin Cerebro Souls! fortessa 199 109 F
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