Kill Count: 60458
Kill Count: 132402


Found a total of 869 record(s) across 44 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

Vendor ID ▼ Vendor Name Title Map X Y Gender
17780 shadww shadows, bubble geffen 140 65 M
17779 Benika @}---'---- fortessa 244 154 F
17778 Carrefour CARREFOUR fortessa 244 157 M
17776 MerchantDumb12 Cheap fortessa 223 127 M
17774 MerchantDumb60 @GO 6 Weapon aldebaran 129 114 M
17772 bioo Good and Evil payon 172 104 M
17771 Tyfp fortessa 120 205 M
17769 vending bading izlude 153 146 M
17768 Candy Seller Sale 50% fortessa 226 162 F
17767 Vendiendoing OnSale payon 180 89 M
17766 Nunnaly Costume fortessa 211 142 F
17764 ozzi15 weapons geffen 144 60 M
17763 Moneyca Battle Manual X3, MVP Cards fortessa 220 160 F
17759 Cruel_Summer 1432 fortessa 238 160 M
17758 Elendir malaya 199 264 M
17757 Gouvion Saint-Cyr a jawaii 237 121 F
17756 Mysticdelta THE CHEAPEST SHOP ... :D fortessa 196 136 M
17755 Kray Aranmar Refine Ticket fortessa 220 130 M
17753 Ireneo Gold,OLDENR.ORI,NewCostumes fortessa 208 136 M
17751 Sebastiano CHEAPEST BLOODY BRANCHES. fortessa 199 136 M
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