Kill Count: 222532
Kill Count: 87400


Found a total of 870 record(s) across 44 page(s). Displaying result(s) 521-540.

Vendor ID ▼ Vendor Name Title Map X Y Gender
11678 Komen DIRT CHEAP fortessa 256 154 F
11616 GianThuong 3132> Juices alberta 134 60 M
11615 L14 K M14> Tell me whacchu want from mee alberta 139 69 M
11586 Tee YA Deep Sea CARDS fortessa 214 142 F
11584 StePhaniaMamo KING CARDS fortessa 244 136 F
11562 Anna t14 +3%MATK +4%ATK fortessa 229 118 F
11477 Sell and Sell dic_in01 261 106 M
11456 L15 K M15>Baby ride for me yo~ alberta 148 63 M
11409 Chappi Equips fortessa 223 112 M
11403 Julia23Years +10 LORD Durable fortessa 232 142 F
11374 Lutie Vendor 08 Lutie Upper Costumes xmas 154 103 M
11264 Labuta Cheap stuff 2 fortessa 223 106 M
11253 Gils Maker mdr fortessa 250 118 F
11249 Lanthanum pcc prt_monk 114 208 M
11173 GOWNO @ws @ws fortessa 259 121 M
11135 Skritt Stuff Stuff Stuff! payon 154 88 M
11131 TyrionSell AdvoCARD payon 205 108 M
11090 idktbh hmm comodo 252 262 M
11026 Agent108 8888 fortessa 256 109 F
11023 sellia Sella fortessa 238 154 F
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