Kill Count: 38624
Kill Count: 2030


Found a total of 866 record(s) across 44 page(s). Displaying result(s) 781-800.

Vendor ID ▲ Vendor Name Title Map ▼ X Y Gender
17685 MerchantDumb5 Equipment fortessa 220 121 F
17686 MerchantDumb4 Middle and Lower Headwear fortessa 220 124 F
17688 MerchantDumb3 Middle and Lower Headwear fortessa 220 127 M
17691 Merchanpillo ICE RUNE izlude 143 133 M
17692 Pillamar RUNES izlude 147 133 F
17695 MerchantDumb13 Weapon Lv100 fortessa 223 124 M
17696 MerchantDumb14 Weapon Lv100 fortessa 223 121 F
17697 MerchantDumb16 @GO 6 Shadow aldebaran 129 123 M
17712 Jugo Care Picha ~Cosos verus04 142 248 F
17713 8811 fortessa 208 160 F
17719 Bilge malaya 211 264 M
17720 ozzi8 pirate coat payon 184 93 M
17721 ozzi1 obb geffen 108 65 M
17722 ozzi2 items geffen 105 61 M
17724 MerchantDumb6 Enchant fortessa 217 133 M
17725 1stTrade Nice prt_monk 114 211 M
17726 2ndTrade Nice malangdo 192 162 M
17728 MerchantDumb61 @GO 6 Booster Equip aldebaran 129 111 M
17730 MerchantDumb62 @GO 6 Booster Equip aldebaran 129 108 M
17736 ozzi12 armors geffen 99 65 M
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