Kill Count: 112333
Kill Count: 106223

Vending Items Of [Vendiending 02]


fortessa, 220, 124

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
12119 A potion that will
temporarily increase
the user's resistance
to the Water property
at the cost of increasing
damage from the Wind
property for the potion's active duration.
Class: Usable item
Water resistances +20%
Wind resistance -15%

Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 1
Coldproof Potion None None None None 95 000 z 491
12118 A potion that will
temporarily increase
the user's resistance
to the Fire property
at the cost of increasing
damage from the Water
property for the potion's active duration.
Class: Usable item
Fire resistances +20%
Water resistance -15%

Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 1
Fireproof Potion None None None None 95 000 z 577